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Ridgewood Volleyball League Spring/Summer league starts April 16th

Spring/Summer league starts April 16th

Below is the announcement from Bob, the person who runs the Ridgewood league:

The Ridgewood Coed Volleyball League will be starting the new Spring/Summer season on Tues April 16. Games are played on Tues and Thur nights at 9 pm. All games are played at Ridgewood High School and the cost is $600 per team.
Teams will usually play 10 weeks of regular season matches followed by 2 weeks of playoffs. The season will run into the middle of July. Each team will play once a week on either Tues or Thur depending on the schedule. If more matches are preferred on either Tues or Thur nights, that can be arranged.
Any interested teams should contact me ASAP to reserve a spot.

Any questions, please let me know.
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