Sand Court @ Darlington Park

Walk-in is allowed without registration but there may be participation fee.
This league was last updated on 3/28/2019
Admin Comment :
The park is pretty big and it may be difficult to find the sand court during your first visit.
Click here for exact location on Google map
Even if you walk or drive by, you can easily miss it because the court is on top of a mount/hill.
League Description :
There's a sand court inside the park for anyone to walk in and play. There's park entrance fee but it's free during the weekdays from 6pm to 8pm during the summer.
Additional info :
There is a group of people who often plays here during the summer once a week.
If you can get 4 or more people to show then you can enjoy playing beach volleyball for free here between 6 and 8pm.
One nice thing about this place is that the court is surrounded by tall trees so even if it's 100 degrees sunny outside, the court will have a shade and feel much cooler.
Where : Darlington County Park
600 Darlington Ave, Mahwah, NJ View on Map
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Season : June to August
Days/Time : Summer 6 to 8pm
Court Type : Outdoor Sand
# of courts : 1
League Type : Walk up / Casual
Play Level : Unknown
Fee : free admission to park after 6pm
Parking & Court Info :
Website : Unknown or Not Available
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Level Definition
AA Division 1 college team or advanced club level player that can compete on a national tournaments
A Elite high school, club, or college level player that can run different offenses (6-2, 5-1), have a great understanding of all positions on the court and can execute all skills with accuracy and power.
BB May have played in high school varsity and 7 out of 10 passes go to the person they intended. Understands offensive concepts (6-2, 5-1) and defensive positions but may be working to solidify those skills. Skill levels range from intermediate to proficient veteran.
B Played in many organized leagues and skills have progressed well beyond beginner level, or have played some school team or club volleyball (BB level) but skills are rusty. Knows how to bump, set (a little), and spike.
C A beginner to volleyball and attempts to pass, set and hit but doesn't always work out.
D "Recreational" player where goal is to always put the ball over on the other side of the net
In addition, we have A-, B+, B-, C+, and C- skill level, which is a rating right before or after the letter, i.e, A- is between A and BB; B+ is between BB and B, etc.

League Type and Description

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