Ramsey Co-Ed Intermediate
DISCLAIMER : Always check the league website for the latest/current information about the league as the location, fee, days, and other data may change from season to season.
This league was last updated on 1/13/2025
10 sessions; starting 2/25/2025, ending 5/13/2025 ; Class Skip Dates : (No class on 4/15/2025, 5/6/2025)
This course is for the intermediate player that has some volleyball experience and understanding of game play.
Players must be 18 and older. No beginner or advanced level players should sign-up for this course. RCS reserves the right to change your placement, based on instructor input, to ensure the correct playing level for your safety and the safety of others. Please be courteous and arrive on time.
35 School St, Ramsey, NJ View on Map
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